Friday 29 September 2023

World Vision out of India...

One of the surprising news that I just picked up this week was the fact that many NGOs Non-government Organizations have been barred or cancelled from working in India since last year i.e. over 20,000 overseas organizations who had been doing charity work in India have now been withdrawn.

The main reason being that the present government (and governments before) do not like the criticisms that many of these NGOs reports write about what they see as happening politically within India. Especially in terms of not helping their own poorest of the poor people.

These sanctions and the changes in the laws of India to not allow foreign charities into their countries have caused a mass exit of these international groups from supporting the very vulnerable families in India and could potentially cause and even more widespread poverty of communities there. 

One such community is a young boy, his family and community of whom I'd been sponsoring through World Vision since 2018/9. The financial support that many sponsors were able to provide aided the community in their various projects and also assist in alleviating poverty in the those communities through planting schemes, cottage industries for women especially and obtaining clean water.

This work was made known to me through the late Rev. Bob Challis who was a London Missionary society missionary who encouraged the early church that I currently attend, to sponsor children in those nations as a church organization.

As a result, I have been doing the same for over some 30 years or so but this was very sad news for me as I had wanted my donation to go to the poorest nations in need and this family in India had been brought to my attention to support.

The letter that I received this week has brought this sad news of their withdrawal and I have now been given another child (their family and community) in Bangladesh to support. I'm hoping that as I write this post that many will consider sponsoring children as you can make a big difference to an entire village and especially an individual child in poor nations.

I also sponsor a group called 'Kidscan' in NZ as I'm also aware of the vulnerable children and families in NZ and have seen this group right at the front lines of trying to support children with providing  clothes, food and other opportunities for vulnerable children in our nation.

If you haven't already, please kindly consider supporting an international organization and local organization that looks after our future leaders and families of tomorrow. The care that we give them now in their vulnerable states will not be forgotten...


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