Thursday 7 September 2023

Forgiveness is divine healing...


I came across this quote today and I thought about how important this is in coaching someone who wants to reach a goal but there are sometimes things that stop them from reaching their potential especially when they're been hurt badly.

Everyone makes mistakes and some more than others and some more extreme than others. Somewhere, in there, people get hurt, abused, neglected, emotionally physically, mentally, spiritually etc.

When these hurts do not get resolved or healed in healthy ways, then that is taken into relationships, into the person's psyche and it's hard living life with this huge chip on the shoulder, or anger in the mind, or guilt, or sadness, or emptiness, or lovelessness.

I would suggest that each person who has had gone through some childhood trauma or abuse or anything that's been holding them back and especially if there has been some secrecy in their, that they go get some professional help or assistance that will help them to live good, healthy lives to break that cycle.

I've met a lot of people in my time in education possibly in coming in contact with thousands of people from children, teens and adults who have gone through untold difficulties and have been able to live happy and healthy lives with their families. Having gone through a process of healing and the power of forgiving through the trauma or difficult circumstances that they've had to overcome.

Many have had to go through a process of forgiving the perpetrator/s or whoever because of the experience/s that they went through. Forgiveness is a powerful force to contend with. I think it is divine because when you are able to forgive that person, the act and let go of that memory etc. It no longer has that hold on you. The opposite is true if you can't forgive. 

It doesn't mean that you must forget because that's what you can help others to heal from by ensuring that the same doesn't need to happen to someone else but it no longer lives inside of you and you can enjoy a happy healthy life.

I'm also met people who haven't forgiven others and it's difficult to contend with because it becomes unresolved and festers inside. It's taken into other relationships and can taint budding relationships because of a certain anger or position that one takes. It can even get quite ugly in transforming that person into something of a concern. 

Again, I would encourage you to see someone who can help with unresolved forgiveness. It could be a good pastor, a reputable doctor, a reputable healer, someone who cares enough to want to see you happy and whole again. Because to err is human but forgive divine - healing...

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